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Anchors for the Soul: Daily Wisdom for Inspiration and Guidance

Author: Joyce Rupp

Anchors for the Soul, compiled by Kathy Reardon—a spiritual director, retreat leader, and nurse—contains pieces from such Rupp classics as The Circle of Life and Fragments of Your Ancient Name as well as such perennially popular works as The Cup of Our Life and Praying Our Goodbyes. This daily devotional touches on the themes that have marked Rupp’s work as you travel through the seasons of the year. She walks with you as you experience grief, embrace stillness, and see in your daily life the fingerprints of the Divine. She helps you welcome new life, practice selfless acts of kindness, and remember the gift that is the people in your life, all the while showing you glimpses of the heart of God.

Filled with Rupp’s characteristic prayers, poems, meditations, and blessings, this treasury provides a daily retreat to center yourself in the warmth of the Divine embrace and begin the day feeling renewed. Each day’s reading concludes with a practice to carry with you for the rest of the day that brings you back to your center and reminds you to be light to the world.


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