Starting Simple Conversations About The Way We Live

Author: Bob Sitze

In today’s complex and busy work, people yearn for simpler lives. Bob Sitze offers Starting Simple to help readers live joyfully and justly. Because Sitze believes conversations change us as individuals and that most important social changes take place through conversation, he invites us into heart-to-heart conversations about simple living.

Sitze helps readers and others in their conversation:

  • Learn what the Scriptures have to say about living in a godly life in these times.
  • Find ways to repent of unsustainable lifestyle choices.
  • Gather courage to change the ways we think and live.
  • Speak and listen to the struggles of others, with honesty and respect.

This practical book includes side trips filled with thoughtful quotes, short stories, and activities. Readers may use it to spark conversations, invite sharing, make decisions, ask for forgiveness, or encourage others who are ready to change. Congregations will find it a good guide for small group discussions, family negotiations, or educational programming.


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