Regional Meeting – May 23-26, 2019
Regions to Meet Together in 2020
Following voting that took place in separate Regional Council meetings Saturday, May 25, 2019, Regional Council 15 and Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council have agreed to meet together at the same time in the same place in 2020. Details to be determined at a later date.
Official Members to Regional Council
Letter to Board/Secretaries
Official Members to Regional Council Form
Celebration of Ministry
Request for Meeting Space for Meetings Adjacent to the Regional Council Meeting
President and/or President Designate
Introduction of Annual Meeting Gathering
Invitation to the First Regional Council 15 Association of Ministers Meeting, May 22 & 23, 2019
Pre Meeting Information
Please read the below information prior to arrival at the Regional Annual Meeting.
Mount Allison University Accommodation Changes
Workshops and Display Tables
Choir and Introduction to Annual Meeting
Canteen and Book Display
Meet & Greet and Banquet
What and Where
Places to stay in Sackville
Places to eat in Sackville
MTA Campus Map
Sackville MtA Parking Map
Regrets Form
If you are unable to attend the Regional Annual Meeting we ask that you let us know by completing the Regrets form.
Permission to Leave Early
If you need to leave the Regional Annual Meeting early we ask that you let us know by completing the Permission to Leave Early form.
Proposals to Regional Councils
Racial Justice Training Proposal
Maritime Conference Financial Statements
Maritime Conference 2018 Financial Statements
Reports to Regional Council 15
(downloadable PDF of all materials)
President’s Message, Rev. Catherine MacDonald
Governance Handbook v1.21 Region 15 (May 23, 2019)
Guidelines for Business Procedures Annual Meeting Region 15
Regional Resource Persons
Representative from General Council Office, Catherine Rodd
Theme Speakers (2019-05-09)
Music Leaders
Constitutional Motions
Regional Council Commission Report
Candidate for President Designate
Candidates for Ordination
Committee Reports
Other Reports
Conversations on How We Meet
Jubilarians (2019-04-24)
Retirees (2019-05-18)
Memorial Observances
Proposal Template
2019 Agenda Draft (19-05-18) RC15
Evaluation Form
Annual Meeting Posts
On-line Evaluation of the Regional Council Annual Meeting
What and Where
Arrival Check-in will occur on the lower level of the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre,...
Meet & Greet and Banquet
Meet & Greet with Regional Leaders The will be a meet and greet with the Regional leaders held...
Canteen and Book Display
Canteen Canteen services will be provided again in the upper lounge area of the arena. Coffee...
Choir and Introduction to Annual Meeting
Choir All are welcome to join the Sunday Worship Regional Choir to assist in leadership of hymns...
2019 Introduction of Annual Meeting Gathering
Please use the below form to register for the Introduction of Annual Meeting gathering taking...
Theme Speakers
Michael Dowd Emma Seamone Rebekah Friesen
Candidates for Ordination
Alice Finnamore Christine Marie Gladu
Memorial Observances
Barbara Copp Reverend George Earl Leard Wilma Maclean Reverend Frederick Russell Seller Reverend...
Other Reports
Atlantic School of Theology Atlantic School of Theology Senate Financial Services of the Maritime...
Committee Reports
Archives and Records Committee Faith and Education Formation Financial and Mission Support...
Proposal Template