Funding Resources

Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council Funding

The Regional Council Executive through its Financial Accountability & Investments Committee is pleased to announce that as part of its ongoing work and commitment to their mandate, stewardship and promotion of the various funds available we have completed a thorough review of all of the funds that are held by the Region Council and have produced a document “Financial Policy Funds Held for Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council of The United Church of Canada” (see below for document link). We encourage everyone to take the time to have a look at the funds available for the use of the ministries in the Region. Funds are available to communities of faith and regional members both laity and ministry personnel to assist with ministry needs and innovations. As well as encouraging communities of faith, laity and ministry personnel to make application for funding as needed, we are also encouraging people and communities of faith to consider donating to any one of the funds that are held by the Region. It is important that we continue to support these funds so they are available well into the future. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


2021-11-29 Memo to Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council – Funds Held


For a list of Regional Council 15 funds available please click on the following link Financial Policy Funds Held for Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council (2024-01-10).

#6 Active/Retired Ministry Personnel Assistance Fund

#7 Ministry Personnel/Lay Continuing Education Fund

#8 Ministry Candidates/Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Education Fund

#9 Supervised Ministry Education Site Fund

#10 Community of Faith Assistance Fund

#11 Mission and Social Justice Fund

#12 Camping Ministry

#13 Youth Opportunities

#14 Facility Innovation Fund

#15 New Ministries Initiatives Fund

Mission Support Grants 2025 (Deadline September 20, 2024)


Other Funding

Church Extension Board
Introduction Letter (2022-01)

Hunter Fund Application and Guidelines – Please note that applications must be received by the first of the month for processing by the Property Committee that month.


United Church of Canada Funding

The following forms are listed on the United Church Web Site. Click on the United Church link for forms to open a new window in your browser and locate the form for you. When you find the appropriate form and click on it then it will download for you.
