Welcome to Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council

The United Church of Canada

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Inspired by God, we are Christ’s people in Bermuda and NS, loving each other, following Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit.


To become a transformed, courageous, Spirit-filled community, risking discipleship based on the radical love of Jesus that welcomes all people, including but not limited to people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, skin colour, race, creed, age, cultural background, economic status, language, and ability, to fully participate in all aspects of our life and work.

Core Values

Connecting and strengthening communities of faith by:

  • Living into expansive and inclusive belonging
  • Growing compassionate leadership
  • Nurturing creative ways of Christian vitality
  • Uniting by effective communication
  • Sharing and living the Good News
  • Modelling Christ’s humility and justice
  • Moving forward in hope and generosity

Click here to view the Strategic Plan.

Recent Posts

Weekly Announcements – May 15, 2019

NEWS AND UPDATES FROM FUNDY ST. LAWRENCE DAWNING WATERS AND REGIONAL COUNCIL 15 ________________ Please send any announcements to trose@united-church.ca NEWS AND UPDATES FROM FUNDY ST. LAWRENCE DAWNING WATERS AND REGIONAL COUNCIL 15 ________________ Please send any...

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What and Where

Arrival Check-in will occur on the lower level of the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre, 182 Main Street, Sackville (also known as the Arena). If you are travelling with a young person attending: YOUTH FORUM - Check-in is located at Bennet/Bigelow residences at...

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Meet & Greet and Banquet

Meet & Greet with Regional Leaders The will be a meet and greet with the Regional leaders held in the upstairs lounge at the Arena on Thursday evening, May 23, following worship.   Retirees/Jubilarians Banquet Will be held at the Sackville Legion on Saturday,...

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Canteen and Book Display

Canteen Canteen services will be provided again in the upper lounge area of the arena. Coffee (fair trade), tea, pop, juice, chips, bars, a small selection of fruit and a few muffins will be sold. They will not be giving out cups of hot or cold water as they sell tea...

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Choir and Introduction to Annual Meeting

Choir All are welcome to join the Sunday Worship Regional Choir to assist in leadership of hymns and service music. Those interested in joining the Regional choir will need to commit to three short rehearsals over the weekend (Friday at 12:30 p.m. and Saturday at...

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