Meeting will take place November 5, 2020
September 16, 2020
TO: All Ministry Personnel and Lay Members of Regional Council 15, Staff, Divisions and Committees
At the June 4, 2020 meeting of the Regional Council Executive, a motion was passed that the regional council be recalled for an additional virtual session in the early fall to allow time for proposals, matters from Justice, Mission and Outreach, and any other additional items deemed necessary at the time.
The re-call meeting is scheduled on November 5, 2020 at 6:00pm, to be held as a virtual meeting using Zoom video conferencing. If you are not able to join by Zoom then you can still join the meeting by phone.
Proposals deadline: October 22, 2020 at 12:00am (midnight)
Please note that all ministry personnel and lay members will need to register for the November meeting in advance.
Registration deadline: October 22, 2020.
The proposals template, registration, and materials for the meeting will be posted on the regional website as they become available using this link: Regional Council Re-Call Meeting 2020
Please know that we continue to hold you all in our prayers as we work through this planning. Please do not hesitate to be in contact if you have questions or concerns.
Janet Sollows Faith March-MacCuish
President Executive Minister
Registration is now closed.
Official Members to Regional Council
Letter to Board/Secretaries
Official Members to Regional Council Form
Information Webinar (Pre Re-Call Annual Meeting)
Webinar Memo (October 21, 2020)
Webinar – Proposals November 3, 2020
Celebration of Ministry Service
The Celebration of Ministry Service took place at First United Church, Truro, on November 8, 2020. You can watch the service here.
Regrets Form
If you are unable to attend the Regional Annual Meeting we ask that you let us know by completing the Regrets form.
Re-Call of the Second Annual Meeting 2020
Whole People Covenant For Annual Meetings
Resource Persons
Opening Procedural Motion
Moderator and General Secretary Report
Memorial Observances
Draft Agenda (2020-10-27)
Record of Proceedings, Re-Call Annual Meeting 2020 Regional Council 15
Record of Proceedings, Annual Meeting 2020 Regional Council 15
Record of Proceedings, Annual Meeting 2019 Regional Council 15