If you are interested in being part of a committee please complete the Committee Volunteer Form and someone will be in touch.

Faith Formation and Leadership Development


Who We Are:

The Faith Formation and Leadership Development (FFLD) Team is a committee of dedicated disciples with the mandate to provide opportunities for faith formation and leadership development to communities of faith in BNS of the United Church of Canada. We meet on the second Friday of each month.

Committee Chair: Michael Thompson
Committee Secretary: VACANT


 What We Do:

  • During the summer of 2020 our committee conducted a survey to identify how we could best serve Region 15. With over 40 responses, music, social justice, faith formation materials for seniors, and training for lay leaders were identified as being of particular interest.
  • In January 2021 we organized and facilitated a two-day online Lenten Planning Workshop.
  • We review new books on church leadership: 2020 Book Reviews.
  • We have provided funding support to a digital church pilot project.
  • We share opportunities for training and continuing education via our Facebook page.


Keeping Connected:

COVID-19 challenges our congregations to find new ways not only to do Sunday Worship, but to stay connected between Sundays. This can be difficult without the personal interactions and spirit of fellowship we enjoy at groups, studies and meetings.

The Region 15 Faith Formation and Leadership Development Committee would like to hear what your congregation is doing to maintain that connection in a safe manner. Through sharing our ideas we will be able to help each other.  

What we are asking you to do:

  • Tell us how you are keeping connected.
  • Do you use any resources, and how many people work on it?
  • How do you distribute it (zoom, email, phone, safe distance drop off, etc.).
  • How often (weekly, monthly, one time)?
  • Other info that would be helpful to any congregation wishing to try it.

Connecting in any manner, small or large, is important; it all keeps us united.

Carolina Tucker (902-678-6251, carolina_tucker@hotmail.com) will be coordinating this for the committee, please contact her with any questions and/or send her the description of what you are doing. The committee will then post it to our Facebook page and on the Region 15 website. We look forward to hearing from you!

We will begin with something happening in Berwick Trinity Pastoral Charge.  It was created and maintained by two members of the congregation, who both enjoy reading spiritually nourishing writing and seeing the Holy Spirit in the world around them.

What’s Coming Next:

Check this page frequently and follow us on Facebook for new book reviews, an upcoming book study, online events, and fresh suggestions for keeping congregations connected while we’re all staying so far apart!



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