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Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee recommends appointments for the Regional Council Executive, Divisions and other Committees, boards, task groups, or United Church representatives, as requested by the Regional Council, its Divisions, its Executive, or the Executive Minister.
- Chair
- Secretary (at the discretion of the Chair)
- 2 Designated Individuals not serving on the Executive
- Executive Minister – Staff Support
Note: The members and Chair of the Nominations Committee will be appointed by the Regional Council. Vacancies on the Committee may be filled by the Regional Council Executive to complete a term.
- ensure there is an updated Governance Handbook for the Region
- ensure there are updated terms of reference for all Divisions and Committees
- recruit to fill any vacancies through informing the constituency of vacancies, and actively seeking designated individuals
- provide “expression of Interest” forms to potential designated individuals
- discern and determine the appropriate match to fill vacancies
- bring the names for approval, through the Division to the Regional Executive
- In fulfilling its duties the Nominating Committee shall
1. reflect theologically on the basis for appointed member participation in the church
2. discern who is equipped to serve
3. develop and test processes for selecting individuals and developing effective groups
4. strive to meet the church’s commitments to
– becoming an intercultural church
– the full inclusion of people with disabilities
– developing new and young leadership
– the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
– any future commitments regarding the appointed leadership of the United Church
- members of the Nominations Committee will actively seek out and encourage nominations from across the diversity of the church
- appreciation for recruitment and discernment
- commitment to the value of designated individuals
Reports will be sent in full to the Regional Council and Regional Executive on a regular basis. (As often as needed or required.)
Must refer decisions to the Regional Council Executive except the following:
- any matters covered within approved budgets
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