Announcement (March 24, 2021)
The United Church Rural Ministry Network (UCRMN) is a grassroots initiative for Rural Ministry in the United Church. The goal is to connect the many Rural Ministry Initiatives across Canada by sharing the successes, the opportunities and the culture of Rural Ministry.
UCRMN provides workshops, the most recent two, How Covid is Preparing Us for Newness. and Technology for Rural Churches.
Even in these heavy days new life is growing and we can nurture it together. This is a time when we have much to offer one another from our rural places. I would love to invite people to visit this website and sign up for the newsletter. I would be especially glad to have people from the Atlantic regions visit our Atlantic tab, click on Resources and then Atlantic. There will be further podcasts posted there around the delights and concerns of rural faith communities and connections to resources developed for and growing out of the Atlantic Rural experience. Table Church is one such resource. Once the pandemic ebbs away, we will plan another in person Rural Routes gathering.. We would love to hear from those in Regions 14,15 and 16 with feedback, stories or suggestions. You can contact the Rural Routes Cohort through Catherine Smith at