
Please send any announcements to

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.

To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.

Changes to Vital Statistics Act impacting Registration of Marriage

On July 9, 2019, there are legislative and regulatory amendments to the Vital Statistics Act that are being implemented, which will have an impact on the process of the Registration of Marriage.

X as a sex indicator will be available for individuals who do not identify exclusively as male or female to be represented on their Vital Statistics certificates. Because of the legislative amendments, we have also revised our forms and documents to reflect the changes.

The following new forms and documents will be in effect on July 9, 2019:

Marriage Registration Form

Reference Guide Clergy and Religious Representatives (Eng)

Reference Guide Clergy and Religious Representatives (Fr)

Contact Vital Statistics at with any questions or concerns.

Official Members to Regional Council

A thank you to those Communities of Faith who have already submitted their Regional Council Representatives online or have made contact with the Regional Office, and a reminder to those who have yet to do so to register their Official Members to Regional Council as soon as possible using this link.  Regional Council office will be following up via telephone shortly.

Music Director – Vacancy

Saint Andrew’s United Church in Vernon Bridge, PE is looking for a new music director. Resumes and inquiries to be sent to:
Claude E. Gallant, P.Ag.
St. Andrew’s United Church M&P Committee
204 Earnscliffe Rd.
Cherry Valley, PE   C0A 2E0
Tel: 902.651.2890

Country Legends Tour – Fundraising Opportunity

Click here to read about the Country Legend Tour fundraiser at McCully Pastoral Charge, their experience and how it may benefit your Pastoral Charge.

Imagining the Way of Justice – Taking Action

Join us in Ottawa Sept. 13-15 for the UNJPPI National Gathering:  Imagining the Way of Justice – Taking Action. People from across Canada will be joining together to learn and to encourage one another in our work.Does fear of being labelled anti-Semitic prevent you from speaking out for justice for Palestinians?  You are not alone. Despite the work of many Jewish and non-Jewish people documenting the oppression of Palestinians under the Israeli military occupation, some non-Jewish people are reluctant to work for Palestinian human rights for fear of being labelled anti-Semitic. Click here to read more and to register.
