Do you pray? How do you pray? To whom? Why? When? What about? St. Ann’s BayUnitedChurch is presenting a week-end ecumenical conference May 16-18, 2014 to discuss this topic. We hope to boost your prayer routine, give you some ideas to enhance your spiritual growth and give you a respect for the variety of forms prayer can take. There will be speakers, social activities, worship, food and great CapeBreton hospitality.

Our keynote speakers are Stephen Augustine and Rev. Ivan Gregan. Professor Stephen Augustine, BA, MA, hereditary Chief on the Mi’Kmaq Grand Council and trained by elders since an early age, has a thorough command of traditional practices. He will address prayer in respect to his native spirituality. He is Principal of Unama’ki College of Cape Breton University. Rev. Ivan Gregan, BA, MDiv, has been the minister at PortWallisUnitedChurch in Dartmouth, NS since 1988. Before that he was our minister at St. Ann’s Bay Pastoral Charge for four years. He converses in many languages but especially English, French and Gaelic. A contributor of poems, songs and prayers to publications of the Iona Community, he is very interested in the subject of prayer as practiced throughout the world.

church building St Anns St. Ann’s Bay United Church is a country “church by the side of the road” located on the scenic Cabot Trail, beside the Barrachois River, near the Englishtown ferry and near many local craft shops that will be newly opened for the season. Our Pastoral Charge had been made up of 3 churches but due to declining membership and rising costs it was decided that changes had to be made. 15 years ago, two churches were sold and the third church was moved to its present location, improved and a tearoom added.

After our long and cold winter, in May we will be looking forward to seeing green grass, spring bulbs and our young arboretum bursting forth it’s green leaves. We plan to have an opportunity to walk the Red Island Trail from the church to St. Ann’s Bay. We will have social evenings and a catered supper with a lobster theme. Billets will be provided for those who wish them, on a first come, first served basis. Members of our congregation are very excited about this conference and are anxious to meet all the delegates. The conference wraps up Sunday morning after our church service and lunch.

The weekend will cost $150.00 for one individual and $250.00 for a couple.To register, please contact Marie at  or 902-929-2664 for a registration form. Payment by cheque. Deadline for registration is April 10, 2014.
