It seems to be a well-accepted fact that Canadians love to talk and complain about the weather! For those of you, including me, who are finding the heat a bit much at times, here’s a reminder of what we could be dealing with. The following report was published in The Guardian, a Presbyterian newspaper, in March 28, 1845 i.e. before the invention of snowblowers.
Miramichi, March 11
“On Wednesday about two in the afternoon snow began to fall, and continued to do so during the reminder of the day, through the night and a portion of Thursday. On the morning of the last named day, the wind commenced blowing violently, which continued with little or no abatement until the evening. The snow, which still fell fast and heavily, together with that which was on the ground, was blown about with fearful violence. Several individuals ventured out and proceeded to their offices, but on arriving there, some of them found their premises buried in snow banks, and others, that their doors were blockaded by a rampart of snow, in may cases twelve fight high. After casting “a longing, lingering look” at their buildings, several of the parties, made as rapid a retreat home as the state of the weather would admit; but others stopped and endeavored to cleave an entrance; but after working some time they found it an Herculean task, and gave it up-for they discovered that as fast as they threw up a shovel-full, it was returned to them with interest.
On Friday all hands were busily employed in breaking roads, clearing platforms and doorways, and reducing the snow in the streets by carrying it away in box sleds. We think the quantity of which fell could not be less than two feet on an average. We do not recollect ever seeing a more violent storm, or such mountains of snow as were piled up in endless variety, in all parts of Chatham.”