The announcements for this week include:

  1. Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Atlantic Program: Upcoming Events at Tatamagouche Centre
  2. I@C Facilitators Wanted
  3. Church hub & Vacancies
  4. Sharp Scholarship Notification
  5. Contemplative Pathways (Atlantic Jubilee Program)
  6. African Heritage Month
  7. Communities of Faith Annual Reports

1. Licensed Lay Worship Leaders Atlantic Program: Upcoming Events at Tatamagouche Centre (see attached posters for details)

Orientation Event: Feb.28-Mar.1

LLWL Orientation Feb 2019 poster

Learning Unit 2: Wilderness & Wonder – preparing for Lent-Eastertide

LLWL LU2 poster 2019

2. I@C Facilitators Wanted

Together we are more! Be a leader with I@C

I@C is looking for a fun and diverse set of facilitators who enjoy working with Jr High aged youth for our program during the regional meetings.

Applications can be filled out online at
by the end of February (sooner is better!)

Please pass along to anyone you feel has gifts, talents and interest!

I@C 2019 Seek.Love.Walk.

3. ChurchHub and Vacancies

Ministry Personnel who have accomplished the login to ChurchHub will be able to review Vacancies. Pastoral Charges who have accomplished the login to ChurchHub will be able to post Vacancies. However, we are aware that many have not yet received the login invitation or have been able to make the connection. Until such time as we can be confident that everyone is able to connect to ChurchHub, we will continue to post Vacancies on the Maritime Conference website:

Pastoral Charges should expect to receive a login invitation for ChurchHub in the coming weeks. If you are Ministry Personnel and are having trouble accessing ChurchHub or are still waiting for an invitation, please send a message to

4. Sharp Scholarship

Please click on the following link for information on the Sharp Scholarship.

Sharp Scholarship Notification 2019

5. Inviting applications: Contemplative Pathways

Inviting applications: Contemplative Pathways (formerly Atlantic Jubilee Program) is now accepting applications for the program: Contemplative Leading and Spiritual Guidance Formation.  This program will begin in June 2019.  Application deadline is March 1, 2019. Please note there is a prerequisite: applicants will have completed our Personal Spiritual Deepening program or a similar program. For detailed information on the program and application process visit our website

6. African Heritage Month

In celebration of African Heritage Month, Moja Makani Band will present an educational multi-media show Rhythms of Life at various United Churches in February.  Their Jan 16 performance at Bridgewater United Church was very well received, with over 300 in attendance.

“Rhythms of Life” is a live musical documentary created by the Nova Scotia world music group Moja Makani, together with dramatist Pamela Halstead.

The show explores Nova Scotian and Canadian cultural heritage by matching historical events to live music, outstanding images and poignant narrative.

“Rhythms of Life” is a thought provoking show suitable for all ages and it promotes cultural diversity and respect for all people.

Starting in the mid-1920s at the Gerrish Street Music Hall in Halifax, the band takes the audience on a fascinating cultural journey: from Nova Scotia, south to the Mississippi Delta, further south to the Caribbean and back to Africa.
Along this journey, audiences are challenged to think about two important questions:

How did we get so divided, and

Aren’t we members of one race… the human race?

“Moja Makani” is a Swahili term meaning ‘one humanity’. The band celebrates African, Blues and Caribbean music.

Tour dates:
Sunday Feb. 10, 1:15 pm – St. Andrew’s United Church (corner Coburg and Robie) Halifax
Saturday Feb. 16, 7pm – Woodlawn United Church, Dartmouth
Saturday Feb 23, 7pm – First United Church, Truro
Saturday March 16, 3pm – Halifax Central Library – DVD recording show

Sponsored by the NS Dept of Communities Culture and Heritage.  Admission is Free (a free will offering may be taken)


7. Communities of Faith (Pastoral Charges) Annual Reports

As soon as your Annual Reports are available please email to your Regional Council using the following emails:

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council:

Regional Council 15:

If you are unable to submit by email please send your report to:

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters OR Regional Council 15
21 Wright Street
Sackville, NB  E4L 4P8

