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Staff Directory
Emergency Response Memo’s Regional Council 15
Emergency Response Memo’s Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters
Making Hope Visible – Podcast
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view upcoming programs at the United Theological College please click here.
Completing the Annual Declaration of Criminal Charges
From April 1 to June 30, ministry personnel (including candidates in Supervised Ministry Education appointments or other appointments) will be able to submit their annual declaration on criminal charges form on ChurchHub. This form needs to be filled out no later than June 30, 2020 to remain compliant, including being eligible for calls or appointments and for licenses for sacraments and marriages. To fill out the annual declaration, log in to ChurchHub and “My Ministry Page.” Look to the right for the “My Professional Requirements” box and then select the “Annual Declaration 2020” link.
If you completed your annual declaration anytime from Jan-Mar 2020, then you actually were completing your 2019 annual declaration. So you will need to log into ChurchHub and complete your annual declaration for 2020. If you have any issues or questions please contact the Office of Vocation Minister Andrew Richardson at
Appointments – Region Council 15
For Appointments ending June 30, 2020 — please do not wait until the last minute to submit your request for Renewal to the Region for approval. General Council is now requiring new Appointments and Calls to be processed through ChurchHub, so it will be wise to set some time aside to become oriented to this new approach. Ministry Personnel seeking to be Appointed or to have their Appointment Renewed will need to verify their eligibility through their personal account on ChurchHub. For more information, please contact Regional Minister David Hewitt For assistance with ChurchHub, please contact Deb Kigar at General Council
Changes in Pastoral Charges Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters & Regional Council 15
If changes to your Pastoral Charges occur the following form is available on the new website to notify General Council and the regional office of these changes, follow these links to access the forms for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (RC14) and RC15 (Nova Scotia & Bermuda)
Region 15 Volunteers
Region 15 is looking for volunteers to fill positions identified in our Governance Handbook available online. The Nominating Committee has done an admirable job in finding many volunteers but we still need to find a few more. Please consider identifying yourself as a volunteer for a position or two! Together we can work towards establishing a strong new structure that will allow us to continue be a vital and vibrant United Church in Nova Scotia and Bermuda. Volunteer here by completing the online form or contact Nominations Chair, Rev. Alicia Cox at
Committee Interest Form for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council
Fundy St Lawrence Dawning Waters is blessed with people of many gifts and skills! With a new structure some people are taking a break from past Presbytery work. Please don’t stay away too long! Also with a new structure, new ideas and possibilities will emerge. Please consider what you might be able to add to this newly growing community we call our Region.
Fill in the form by clicking here.…let us know a little about yourself and tell us where your interests and passions lie as we come together to be the living message of God’s love in the world!