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Staff Directory

Emergency Response Memos for Regional Council 15 (RC15)       

Making Hope Visible – Podcast

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

Regional Council 15 (RC15) Committee Volunteer form.


Congratulations to Rev. Alison Etter and Tom Urbaniak on the arrival of Oliver Mikołaj Kasper Urbaniak, Friday, February 11, 2022. Meet Oliver here.

How will we meet as a Region going forward?

Dear Members and Communities of Faith of Regional Council 15,

The Annual Meeting Planning committee is busy with this year’s meeting planning. Once again we have had to move our meting to an online format. We are grateful that we have the ability to keep our regional and congregational work moving and thriving in many different ways through a pandemic. One of the learning from the pandemic is that we can have our annual meetings and the work of the Region can continue in a good way because of the advances of technology.  A big thank you to all who have taken part in the work of the Region for the past two years in the midst of the such difficulty.

As we look to the future and ponder the question  “how will we meet as a Region going forward”  we need to hear from you. It is important that we ponder these questions together.

Please use this link to go to the questionnaire. I realize that one more task is not something any of us want right now, but we need our collective thoughts and idea to plan for the future.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated response and shared wisdom

The AGM Planning Committee

Elected Members to Regional Council 2022

Please use the below link to view a memo from the Executive Minister, Faith March-MacCuish, regarding elected members to Regional Council for 2022.

Regional Council 15 Memo

Pastoral Charge Information Form

The 2022 Pastoral Charge Information Form can be found on our Regional Council website under forms.

If you have had your annual congregational meeting and have elected your governing body for 2022, please click on the below link to complete.  If you have not had your annual meeting, and have the same people serving in the governing body, we kindly ask you to still fill out the information forms.

RC15 – 2022 Information Form

As a reminder please also email your annual reports to the Regional office.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to be in contact with the Regional Council Office.

Call for Nominations

The United Church has launched a call for nominations for the next Executive, the Board of Vocation and a wide range of committees. These groups will carry out the work of the General Council following the conclusion of the 44th General Council in August. Over 200 people are needed! Who is needed? Lay people and ministry personnel with a variety of skills, from across the geography and diversity of the church, who hold a commitment to supporting the work of the United Church. See details through the links below.

Serving on one of these committees is a great way to connect with other members from across the church, deepen your faith, and concretely support the call and vision of this United Church of ours. Especially welcome would  health representation from the Eastern Regions. View the nomination opportunities and deadlines here.

Please share this call through your various networks, nominate someone you believe would be a great addition, or consider expressing interest yourself.

Annual Declaration of Criminal Records

It is that special time of year again…

As ministry personnel (including candidates in Supervised Ministry Education appointments or other appointments) you need to submit your annual declaration on criminal charges form on ChurchHub. This can be done now, and the portal will remain open until May 15, 2022.

It is essential that you fill out this form in order that you may remain on the registry of accredited minsters, be eligible for calls or appointments and for licenses for sacraments and marriages.

There is no payment required, neither does it require a lot of time. To fill out the form:

  1. Log in to and click the “My Ministry Page” tile.
  2. Look to the right for the “My Professional Requirements” box and then select the “View” link next to “Annual Declaration 2022”.
  3. Enter the date of your last police records check. (Contact your OV minister if you do not have the date of your last police records check).
  4. Tick the appropriate box for your declarations and submit.

If you are having technical problems with ChurchHub, please contact

M&P Webinar – February 26, 2022

A webinar for Ministry and Personnel (M&P) Committees will be held on Saturday, February 26 from 10:00 a.m. to noon. This workshop will review the essential responsibilities of the M&P Committee, reference available resource materials and respond to questions. Please register to receive the Zoom link:  Registration closes at noon on Tuesday, February 22

For more information, please contact Regional Minister David Hewitt

Understanding Antisemitism with a Critical-Thinking Lens

The Justice, Mission and Outreach Committee invites members of Communities of Faith in the regions of UCC East to a workshop, “Understanding Antisemitism with a Critical-Thinking Lens”. It will be conducted by Independent Jewish Voices Canada on zoom Saturday March 5th at 10:00 am. See details here. This is a learning opportunity offered as a follow-up to a proposal passed by Region 15 in September 2020 on antisemitism. Click here to register. This issue is especially timely as GC44 is updating United Church policy positions on Israel and Palestine.

Mission for Minute

Created by our East Central Region 11 Guaranteed Liveable Income network team, the linked pdf slides are intended to be used like a Mission for Minute during the six Sundays of Lent.  The PowerPoint version of these slides is available on the Justice, Mission and Outreach page under Resources here.

