Common Order: A Canadian Book of Services of Worship

Edited by: Ian S. Wishart

An anthology of prayers drawn from many sources.  its origin was in the worship of Canadian Presbyterian Church, but the sources of prayer were catholic and ecumenical.  There are prayers from the United Church of Canada, and others from Anglican liturgies in five countries.  Roman Catholic devotions represented both in English and French.  A remarkable selections drawn front he prayer book of St. John’s Curch, Vellore, India, a congregation of the Church of South India.  Scottish Presbyterianism is represented with prayers from John Knox, Duncan MacFarlan, William Barclay and the several Books of common Order.  Two wonderful sources have been the collections published by George Appleton and Frank Colquhoun,  Also included are prayers by Karl Barth, C.H. Spurgeon.  Anselm of Canterbury and Francis of Assisi.

This book is offered as an aid for those conducting public worship, both ministers and lay.  A book of services may still be useful in an age when the internet commands the world’s attention.  Lay folk preparing worship are particularly in need of assistance in composing prayers.  The concerns facing clergy are theirs as well, and they may be more inclined to read published prayers, or modify prayers they find in books,  These services are offered for their assistance.


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