Bramah and the Beggar Boy

Author: Renee Sarojini Saklikar

Brilliant, masterful.  Timely.  thot J. Bap is Renee Sarojiji Saklikar’s magnum opus.  Verse is the perfect choice for this sci-fi-epic, this beautiful ballad-a survival song for all times – let all evil die and the good endure.  an incantation of hope.  an ode to nature and to love and to all that could be lost.  “Each page is a portal: and our act of this time travel connects us to the existence of seed savers, locksmiths, makers of spells, protectors of bees.

An epic poem that reads like an investigative report (narratives masterfully constructed and reconstructed through multiple viewpoints) but sings from the page like an opera, replete with lyrical arias and a driving chorus.



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