SEASONINGS- The Twelve Days of Christmas Email By Janice MacLean Register CLOSED FOR 2014 Ultimately what I loved about Seasonings is that it seemed like this unassuming little piece: a recipe here, a book there, maybe a prayer. But somehow I came away each time...
Whole-Hearted Waiting Retreat

Whole-Hearted Waiting Retreat

We .. are … that. Coiled within the acorn is a true self. But the oak tree of myself can come into being only if it lets go its acorn.                                  –  Cynthia Bourgeault, The Wisdom Way of Being     Advent Email Retreats:...
Advent Small Group Study Sample

Advent Small Group Study Sample

WORKING GRACES: An Advent Small Group Study This four week study for small groups is based on the The Letters used in the Lectionary readings for Advent. The President, Gloria Churchill and Janice MacLean reflect on Faith, Hope, and Love. These “Working Graces” inform...
Advent Resource Registration

Advent Resource Registration

Register now for the the Advent 2014 Small Group Study and/or Email Retreat For more information about the Small Group Study, WORKING GRACES, or the Email Retreat, WHOLE HEARTED WAITING Click here: INFO ADVENT  2014. PLEASE NOTE: When you register you will receive an...