Submission Request for Weekly Announcements 

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Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.

Condolences: George Linton Worrall

Condolences are extended to Linton Worrall (Student Minister RC15) and family, whose father George Worrall passed away on June 24, 2022.  The obituary can be viewed here.

Condolences: Joan Boyd

Condolences are extended to the family of Joan Boyd, longtime treasurer of Valley Presbytery, who passed away on June 22, 2022.  The obituary can be viewed here.

Condolences: Waldo George Carman Elliott

Condolences are extended to the family of Rev. Waldo Elliott (RC15), who passed away on June 22, 2022.  The obituary can be viewed here.

Submission Request for Weekly Announcements

From this week onwards your weekly announcement requests can be submitted online using the following link Submission Request for Weekly Announcements.  The link can be found just below the News and Updates FSLDW header in each weekly edition for ease of use.

Annual Meeting Draft Minutes

The draft minutes for the Annual Meeting held in June are now available on the website under the annual meeting and minutes pages.

Communities of Faith Annual Reports – Reminder

A reminder to all Communities of Faith who have yet to send in their annual reports.  Please email to your Regional Council as soon as they are available using the following email:

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council:

If you are unable to submit by email please mail one copy of your report to:
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Regional Council
21 Wright Street
Sackville, NB  E4L 4P8

Thanks to all who have already submitted their reports there is no need to re-submit.

A Note from Catherine Stuart, Regional Minister for Children, Youth and Young Adults

Hi Everyone! This is a note to say that, now that it’s summer, and things are opening up slowly, I’d love to visit you to see what you might be up to with your children, youth and young adults. If you have an event (VBS, day camp, project, youth event, etc.) that you’d like me to be there for, I’m open to invitations! You can get in touch with me by emailing or through FB messenger, as well as by phone 1-800-268-3781 ext 6158. I’m excited to hear from you and to be part of some of the amazing things you’re doing!

Building God’s Beloved Community

Drawing on the expertise of the United Church theologians and ministers from across the country, this book outlines the church’s approach to some of the big questions, while offering insight into United Church worship, traditions, and history. An accessible and engaging primer designed to accompany those during their period of preparation-adult baptism, confirmation, or deeper study- this book will draw you closer to God as it invites you into beloved community and encourages you to move out into the world to love and serve.

Pre-orders are being taken, please contact Leona at to place your order. The price is 31.95 tax included.

Guaranteed Livable Income

The Guaranteed Livable Income advocacy group has created a short video to put the matter in front of United Church people. You can access from the Annual Meeting page under Resources.

Godly Play Core Training for Storytellers & Doorpersons this fall!

There are a lot of things you can learn from a book or a lecture, but Godly Play is best learned from the inside out.

Offered at Two Sites: First Baptist Church, Halifax. Trainers:  Shawn Redden & Jenny Eisener and  Sackville United Church, NB. Trainers: Cathy Laskey & Anne Pirie

DATES: Part 1: Friday, Oct 29  4pm – 9pm AND Sat, Oct. 30 8:30 – 5:30pm
& Part 2: Friday, Nov 11 from 4pm- 9pm AND Sat, Nov. 12  8:30-5:30pm

Certificate for attendance at entire program.  See full details here.

CNSC Rejects Pt Lepreau 25 year licence, Awards 10 years

CNSC’s decision for a 10-year licence for Lepreau nuclear power station was released June 22nd.  The response by joint interveners CRED-NB and CELA can be found at

While the response expresses the belief that shorter licences and more frequent public oversight are better, this decision is an affirming one in several ways.  First, it is surprisingly independent in not granting the 20-year licence recommended by CNSC staff.  Secondly, by following one recent 10-year precedent, it does not set an ‘uncalled for’ new precedent. Thirdly, it requires a mid-licence report in 2027, with public meeting and public comment, so will remind NB Power of the right of public scrutiny that should guide their decisions. Lastly, the intervenors hope that NB Power’s rationale that longer licences leave them more time to focus efforts strategically on specific challenges, rather than preparing for broad comprehensive licence hearings, will now be honoured by addressing the urgent items raised in the CRED-NB/CELA intervention.

While the CNSC process is still biased and inadequate, this feels like a real win for an inclusive democratic process. That is especially so for the 100-plus individuals and groups who submitted written interventions against a 25-year licence, and the brave and articulate individuals and groups who presented in the same 3 day hearing facing much better funded and practiced industry lobbyists!

Deadline Extended for Nominations to The Honourable Mayann Francis Faith in Action Award 2020/2021/2022

AST is accepting nominations for the Honourable Mayann Francis Faith in Action Award for the years 2020, 2021, and 2022, and has extended the deadline to July 15, 2022. The Awards, to be presented by AST, honour exceptional community outreach that is recognized as having provided significant benefit to the wider community. This outreach award is given to individuals whose honoured work is driven by his/her religious commitment to the faith tradition to which he/she belongs. We are seeking nominations for three years, because faith in action continued during the pandemic, and now it is time to recognize it!

  • More information about the award and how to nominate a potential recipient can be found on the AST website at
  • All submissions must be postmarked or emailed no later than the extended deadline of July 15, 2022.
  • Completed submissions can be mailed to:

Advisory Committee
The Honourable Mayann Francis Faith in Action Award
Atlantic School of Theology
660 Francklyn Street
Halifax, NS  B3H 3B5

Submissions can also be sent via email to

