If you are interested in being part of a committee please complete the Committee Volunteer Form and someone will be in touch.

Property Committee

The Property Committee receives and reviews all property matters, and in consultation with the Executive Minister makes decisions according to the policies of the United Church of Canada.


The Property Committee is responsible for receiving, reviewing and deciding all property requests from communities of faith, and incorporated bodies of the United Church of Canada within its bounds and in consultation with the Executive Minister decides all property matters before it.

Request from communities of faith would include buying, selling, leasing, and renovating community of faith property, and distributing any proceeds within denomination policies and guidelines, and making decisions in consultation the Executive Minister on requests to buy, sell, mortgage, exchange, renovate, lease, or otherwise deal with community of faith property in regard to major renovations to church property, selling, leasing, purchasing, building, mortgaging, renting premises.

The Property Committee would be responsible for developing and communicating to the region guidelines in addition to any policy guidelines on property that the United Church of Canada has.


Members comprised of:

a) The Executive Minister (ex officio);

b) Four members appointed by the Nominating Committee in consultation with the Executive Minister having regard to a gender balance as well as a balance of ministry and lay representatives on the committee and having regard to provincial property laws within each province of the region;


The Committee has power to add members with a particular expertise from time to time as  required, with reference to supporting communities of faith in various geographical areas and the laws governing property in those provinces.


Terms of office:
All committee members including the Chairperson and the Secretary will be appointed for a three-year term by the regional council at the Annual General Meeting, with the possibility that members would be eligible for re-appointment for a total of two (2) terms.

