Submission Request for Weekly Announcements
Staff Directory
Emergency Response Memos for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW)
It’s Your Call – Podcast
Spark Newsletter
To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.
Our condolences are extended to Rev. Beth Brehaut (FSLDW) and family on the passing of her son, William Kenneth Campbell. The obituary can be viewed here.
News From FSLDW Pastoral Relations Committee – July, 2023
- Approved the request for a change in pastoral relations due to retirement from Rev. Peggy Reid effective December 31, 2023.
- Approved the extension of the change in pastoral relations due to retirement for Rev. Steve Berube from October 31, 2023, to December 31, 2023.
Hello from FSLDW President Elizabeth
Hello All,
Sunday July 16, I had the pleasure to attend worship at Spring Park United Church, Charlottetown and bring greetings on your behalf.
It was a delight to be warmly greeted by worship leader Larry Hale who was filling in for Rev. Darin MacKinnon. Larry is a Licensed Lay Worship Leader (LLWL), long time Youth Forum and now Youth@Region facilitator and member of West River Pastoral Charge.
Through the visual aids of rocks, sand, weeds, seeds and good earth Larry offered a meaningful reflection on the Parable of the Sower. (Matthew 13). My take away – through Grace rocky and thorny soil can become good soil -for indeed we see it all the time. Thank you Larry.
Larry also acknowledged Spring Park’s numerous outreach ministries, including the Community Grow to Give Garden.
We are gifted to have many qualified LLWLs in our Region who make it possible for ministry personnel to take their annual vacation and study leave. Thank you to all the LLWLs of our Region for answering the call to share your gifts and talents. Thank you to those who annually provide opportunities for LLWL to update their gifts and skills.
Worship was enhanced with the gifts of violinist and soloist Morgan Wagner. Speaking with Morgan after worship to offer a word of thanks, especially for her version of Ashokan Farewell, (one of my favourites) Morgan immediately thanked the choir director and organist Susan Duncan for the invitation. The mutual appreciation was obvious.
It is worth noting that Spring Park’s newsletter is a wealth of information and opportunities for ministry including Vacation Bible Camp, Moose Hide Campaign, Camp Abegweit and an invitation to Walk with Pride in the Charlottetown Pride Parade July 29th.
Thank you Spring Park for your rich ministry.
To see pictures check out the Region Facebook.
In Peace,
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Stevenson
FSLDW Self-Assessment Form
The Self-Assessment Working Group of the FSLDW Pastoral Relations Committee is pleased to present the approved draft of our Self-Assessment Form for your review. You will find the information by clicking here.
This process is being designed and implemented to replace the former Triennial Visit by your Presbytery.
This form was tested in four Communities of Faith prior to the Covid restrictions being imposed. The Working Group will circle back with these communities in the coming year.
In the fall of 2023, another 10 communities will be invited to participate in a further trial of the process and forms. This follow up and new trial communities will be given until April of 2024 to be completed and reviewed.
The form is being presented here for all communities as an educational tool as well as to assist in becoming familiar with what will be asked in the self-assessment process.
Additional support documents will be developed as necessary and placed on the FSLDW website.
An Invitation to Join Us at Berwick Camp for UCW Afternoon Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Wednesday August 2 p.m. , the Maritime United Church Women will hold a very special afternoon at Berwick Camp. The afternoon will be hosted by your Co-Presidents and along with the enlisted help of other UCW members who are available, we will bring you news of the Maritime UCW, share in a worship/devotion program and a time which will include the Dedication of a Bench in memory of Ruth Rudderham. Refreshments and social time will follow at the Cookie Cottage. Plan now to attend for this fun and meaningful afternoon “under the hemlocks”. All UCW and Berwick campers are invited to join us.
Berwick Camp Livestream
Did you know that the worship services at Berwick Camp will be live streamed on our YouTube & Facebook channel? They will! That means you can join us live from anywhere in the world or even watch the recordings at your own convenience. This year, we will have excellent worship leaders to help guide us through a spiritual Christian journey of engaging our elemental wisdom guides though Water, Earth, Fire & Air. We also think that our live worship services are ideal resources for any other United Churches across the country who may be looking for an alternative to their own weekly worship service, particularly those who have ministerial staff on holidays.
FaceBook Link
YouTube Link
Walking Each Other Home: An Open Invitation
The Maritime Circle of Progressive Christianity invites you to join us for a day-away with guest speaker Rev. Nancy Steeves, the author of ‘Habits of the Heart: Practices for Spiritual Seekers’. An opportunity to welcome new participants to the circle and to renew friendships among long-timers. The gathering will take place on Tuesday, August 8, from 9:30 to 3:00, at St. Andrew’s United Church in Truro. Register by August 1 by contacting: providing your name, address, email, and dietary restrictions (if you are ordering the catered lunch). Event fee: $25-50 (as you are able). Lunch fee: $20. Menu: chicken or mushroom quesadillas + salad + Mexican rice. GF available. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Music Director Wanted!
Saint James United Church in Woodstock, NB is seeking applications for a part-time Music Director
(10-12 hours per week) Commencing September 2023
• playing for all scheduled services
• providing direction to Senior Choir
• providing direction to other music-related programs (ex. Junior Choir, Hand bells, and special events)
Job Requirements:
• A degree in music or experience directing a choir and playing the piano or organ in a church setting
• Salary will be based on qualifications
Please forward resume:
• By mail: Saint James United Church
Attn: Ministry and Personnel Committee
120 Chapel Street, Woodstock, NB E7M 1H1
• By email: Attn: Carolyn Drake
Godly Play Doorperson Workshop
Sat. October 14, 2023 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM in Fredericton, NB
Doorpersons are key figures in supporting children who gather in community. This workshop offers a unique way to encourage and support volunteers helping with children’s programs.
This 5-hour workshop will be offered at the Anglican Cathedral in Fredericton, NB. Leadership will be provided by experienced Godly Play trainers, Cathy Laskey and Anne Pirie.
We will explore the principles and practices of Godly Play especially for Doorpersons, and deepen and expand an experience of Godly Play particularly the role of Doorperson. Participants may be part of a Godly Play program, and/or have an interest in leadership with children.
Hosted by Godly Play Maritime Co-ordinating Circle
Participant cost: $35 – bring your own lunch
Please register by September 29th