Submission Request for Weekly Announcements 

Staff Directory

Emergency Response Memos for Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW)

It’s Your Call – Podcast

Spark Newsletter

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters (FSLDW) Committee Interest form.

Condolences – Brock Boutilier

Our condolences are extended to Rev. Ches Boutilier and family on the death of his grandson, Brock Boutilier, who passed away on June 6, 2024. An obituary can be found here.

New Bandon Pastoral Charge 50th Anniversary

Remember the Past, Celebrate the Present, Grow the Future

You are invited to join the New Bandon Pastoral Charge
at Central United Church,
6724 Highway 11, Clifton NB
to celebrate their 50th anniversary of ministry
Sunday, July 7th, 2024 during the 10:00 am worship service

Greetings from President Sue LeMaistre

Greetings from my cozy corner in Hunter River PEI,

The Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters Region held its annual meeting at UPEI on the weekend of May 30th, and what an uplifting weekend it was! Hard to take in that it has been over a week since I was installed as Regional President. The weekend highlights for me included inspiring music and worship, thought-provoking speakers, informative workshops, and the celebration of Retirees and Jubilarians. It occurred to me, not for the first time, that there are many, many dedicated and committed people in our Church, for whom we are truly grateful.

The culmination of our time together was the Celebration of Ministries on June 2nd – such a joy to witness five women and men called by the Holy Spirit, and supported by those present, into ordained and diaconal ministry within our Region. Each of them worked so very hard in their studies, their various ministries and in their lives to reach this milestone.

I wish to salute Elizabeth Stevenson, Past President, for her engagement in attending/leading church services, celebrations and ceremonies throughout every corner of our Region in 2023-2024. She did so with good humour and enthusiasm, and I am grateful that she remains as mentor for many.

More to come from me down the road, as I begin my journey, carrying your greetings as I go.

Sue LeMaistre

Greetings Growth Seekers from Growth Animator Sharon

Strengthening your invitation and welcome, embracing your discipleship is a popular topic. We’d love to know of your needs and interests. Share your ideas for renewal, creating new ministries, strengthening invitation. We are considering offerings for a fall webinar.

Our Minister for Justice, Mission and Outreach, the Rev. Dr. Shepherd Munikwa, created this introductory video of welcome. It has been shared at all three Atlantic annual general meetings. We hope you will watch it with your leadership, your congregation, post it on your website and social media. Discuss how you can ensure all people feel welcomed and belonging in your community of faith. Reach out to me about what resources we have or can develop to support you.
Welcome to the United Church of Canada (Radical Hospitality, Anti-Racism, Equality, Equity & Justice our Aspirations)

Check out this approved creative pilot project of three communities of faith working together proposed for the Moncton New Brunswick area with Central United (Moncton), Visions United (Moncton), and Sackville United(Sackville), in New Brunswick. Their pilot might spark ideas for you or you might know someone interested in this exciting ministry opportunity. It is approved as a learning site for anyone needing to do a supervised ministry of education (SME) placement. Find their Collaborative Ministry opportunity on the Sackville website, on their home page. Please share how growth is being explored where you are. You can reach me by email at or by phone 705 875-8837. Let’s grow together with deep spirituality, bold discipleship and daring justice

Resources for Special Occasions

The largest volume in Jane Doull’s Let Us Pray: A Digital Collection of Prayers is now available. Volume 4 is the Special Occasions volume and it is an amazing collection of prayers.

Have a look at the Table of Contents to see the variety of prayers and liturgy. (insert upload)

Then visit Prayer Bench and pick up your 16 page sample of prayers from all four volumes.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Janice, Host of Prayer Bench

Good News to Share

Huge news out of Newfoundland and Labrador today, where the province is topping up the Canada Disability Benefit to create a basic income for those living with disabilities. A special shoutout to our colleague Josh Smee of Food First NL and Basic Income NL, cited in the article and instrumental in building support for income support programs in the province!

This policy decision is a recognition that the CDB is woefully inadequate, but also a sign that provinces can lead in supporting the wellbeing of vulnerable communities – as opposed to clawing back benefits or creating further barriers to supports.

Hopefully more provinces follow suit! Please feel free to share this progress widely – effective advocacy in action!

QML Camp Director Job Posting

Camp Quin-Mo-Lac, a United Church camp in southeastern Ontario, is seeking a full time, permanent Camp Director to begin work in the fall of 2024 or earlier — someone who is excited to lead a hardworking and fun-loving team, make a positive difference in the lives of children and young adults, and continue making Camp Quin-Mo-Lac the best camp ever! The Camp Director oversees camp operations and programming throughout the year. For more information, please click here. The deadline for applying is June 23, 2024.


