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It’s Your Call – Podcast

News from the Pews Newsletter

To view upcoming programs at the Tatamagouche Centre please click here.
To view upcoming events at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.
To view Continuing Education opportunities at the Atlantic School of Theology please click here.

Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council Committee Volunteer form.


Condolences are extended to the family of the late Nancy Whitney Latham DLM who passed away after a short illness on May 29, 2023 at Seaview Manor Glace Bay NS. A Celebration of Life will take place at United Heritage Church Sydney NS on Saturday July 15th 2pm, Rev Duncan Roach presiding.  The obituary can be viewed here.

2024 Mission Support Grant Applications

The 2024 Mission Support Grant applications are now available here.  Deadline for completed application and supporting documentation is Tuesday, September 20, 2023 and can be forwarded to: or mailed to the Regional Office.

Executive Minutes

The approved minutes from the March 22, 2023 Executive meeting are now available on the RC15 website.

Bermuda-Nova Scotia Pastoral Relations News – June 2023

  • Approved the Supply Appointment of Anne Hoganson with Rawdon Pastoral Charge, 20 hours/week, June 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, while Search continues.
  • Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Dana Pardy, Candidate, with Petite Riviere Pastoral Charge, full time, July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
  • Approved minor edits to the Profile for Northumberland Pastoral Charge. Search continues.
  • Approved the SME Appointment of Jessie Crabtree, Candidate, with St. Paul’s United Church, Mount Uniacke, 20 hours/week, September 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025. Robyn Brown-Hewitt, Liaison.
  • Approved the SME Appointment of Shane Doucette with Lawrencetown Lake Echo Pastoral Charge, 20 hours/week, August 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025. Linda Yates, Liaison.
  • Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Natalie Buchanan Rutherford with Pugwash Pastoral Charge, 25 hours/week, July 1 to August 31, 2023.
  • Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Linton Worrell with Tatamagouche Pastoral Charge, full time, June 1 to June 30, 2023.
  • Approved the Provisional Appointment of Keith Wiseman, Designated Lay Minister, with St. Peter’s Grand River Loch Lomond Pastoral Charge, full time, July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
  • Approved the short-term Supply Appointment of Tamsin Robson with Rockingham United Church, 20 hours/week, June 5 to July 30, 2023.
  • Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Bill Drysdale, DLM, with the collaborative ministry of Cumberland Pastoral Charge and McCully Pastoral Charge, 30 hours/week, July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
  • Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Bob Bigger, retired, with Donkin Morien Birch Grove Pastoral Charge, 20 hours/week, August 1, 2023 to July 31, 2024.
  • Approved the Renewal of Appointment of Rosemary Godin, retired, with Trenton Pastoral Charge, full-time, July 1 to December 31, 2023.
  • Approved the Appointment of Kathleen Anderson with Hope United Church, Halifax, full-time, June 1, 2023 to May 31, 2024. Full-time position description and additional goals were approved for this Appointment.
  • Approved the Pilot Project agreement between Windsor United Church and Vaughan’s United Church.
    • Moved that the position description for Congregational Designated Ministry at Vaughan’s be approved.
    • Moved that Karen Lynch be approved as an “honorary associate minister” at Windsor United Church for the purposes of offering support for Vaughan’s United Church.
  • Approved the Request for Change in Pastoral Relations for the purposes of retirement from Karen Ralph of St. John’s United Church, Middleton, effective September 1, 2023.
  • Approved the Renewal of Appointment of John Tapscott, retired, with Whycocomagh East Lake Ainslie Pastoral Charge, 15 hours/week, June 1 to September 15, 2023.
  • Approved the Call of Dale Skinner with the collaborative ministry of Pugwash Pastoral Charge and Oxford-Thomson Pastoral Charge, full-time, effective September 1, 2023. Ruth Gamble, Liaison.
  • Next meeting: Friday, August 11, 9:00 a.m.
  • Please contact Regional Minister David Hewitt with any questions.

2023 Self-Assessment Form Now Available

Greetings from your Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council Living Faith Stories and Community Covenant Committee!

We are happy to announce that the 2023 Self-Assessment Questionnaire is now available and ready for communities of faith to complete.

The Self-Assessment process is an opportunity for every community of faith within the Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council to review together the ways in which they have been living out their mission and ministry on a regular basis. It also provides an opportunity for the Region to evaluate the ways in which it might strengthen connections between communities living through similar circumstances and best use its resources for the building up of the church in Nova Scotia and Bermuda. Please take the time to complete this assessment together with your governing body and/or congregation.

The form can be found here.
Deadline for completion is June 30th, 2023.

Thank you and blessings on your continued ministry!

United Church of Canada reviews and updates Cost of Living (COL) groups in Salary Schedule

  1. The current “comprehensive” model for ministry remuneration has been in effect since 2015. There is one salary schedule for circumstances where a manse is provided, and another salary schedule where a manse is not provided.
  2. Where a manse is not provided, there are 6 Cost of Living (COL) categories that will vary salaries by cost of living factors across geographic zones. Beginning in 2015, the COL groups were determined on real estate sales data. COL groups are to be reviewed every 3 years.
  3. The COL zones were reviewed and revised in 2019, using the same data set. The 2021 COL review was postponed due to volatility in the housing market.
  4. In 2023, the Mercer group provided guidance for COL groups to be determined on a more diverse set of data that included housing costs, utilities costs, variations in taxation, and costs of goods and services.
  5. Every Community of Faith in the United Church was reviewed as to their COL group assignment. 45% did not change. 39% increased one level. 16% decreased one level.
  6. In Bermuda-Nova Scotia Regional Council there are 137 pastoral charges. All but 2 Communities of Faith increased one level. 2 Communities of Faith remained at their current level.
  7. In Fundy St. Lawrence Dawning Waters there are 111 pastoral charges. 76 remain unchanged, 32 decreased one level and 3 increased one level.
  8. In First Dawn Eastern Edge there are 88 pastoral charges. 45 increased one level and 43 remained the same.
  9. Any Community of Faith that has experienced a reduction in COL group may NOT decrease their minister’s salary. The salary level that was agreed-to at the time of Call or Appointment will continue, including Appointment renewals. The effect of a lowered COL group may only be applied in the case of a new pastoral relationship with new ministry personnel.
  10. The change in COL group will take effect on July 1, 2023. In any situation where the COL level has gone up, the new increased salary will take effect on the first pay in July.
  11. For more details on the COL review, please go here:
  12. To check on your COL group, effective July 1, 2023, please go here:
  13. For the 2023 Salary Schedule, please go here:
  14. Remember, in addition to the every-three-year review of COL groups, the United Church also provides an annual cost of living adjustment to salary amounts, based on the Bank of Canada Consumer Price Index – Common. These annual changes are in effect as of January 1 every year.
  15. General Council communicated these changes to Pastoral Charge Treasurers and Administrators by direct email in December 2022. This letter is available here:
  16. For more information, please contact Regional Minister David Hewitt

Bookstore Pre-order

Prepare! 2023-2024 NRSV ue Edition – An Ecumenical Music & Worship Planner

The Abingdon Preaching Annual 2024 – The local pastor’s go-to resource for weekly sermon planning.

The Abingdon Worship Annual 2024 – The go-to worship planning resource for all who plan weekly worship.

Please click here for complete descriptions and pricing on the above books.

Leona Laundry
United Church Bookstore & Gifts
First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council
The United Church of Canada
320 Elizabeth Avenue
St. John’s, NL, A1B 1T9
1-800-268-3781 ext. 6141

More Good News re GLI

On June 7 Hamilton city council passed a resolution asking the provincial and federal governments to get going with basic income. The vote was unanimous: 16-0.

Please click here to read more about this vote and why it is important.

Unique Ministry Opportunity

Gibson Memorial and Forest Hill United Churches in Fredericton New Brunswick are separate congregations exploring a unique joint ministry. We are seeking a full-time minister with new ideas and energies who is interested in exploring these possibilities with us. Are you the right person to lead us with this pilot project in Cooperative Ministry?
If you think you have what it takes or have any questions, contact us at
Help us build our spirit of cooperation.

Continuing Education Opportunity

Rev. Oliver Dingwell (Cowan Heights United Church, St. John’s, NL) will be teaching a course entitled Liturgy, Sacraments, and Radical Hospitality at Queen’s College (Memorial University of Newfoundland) during the Fall 2023 semester on Monday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. NL time (5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Atlantic time) beginning Monday, September 11. The course will be offered both in-person and online via Zoom. It is possible to register for this course as a continuing education opportunity. The cost is $350 for the full course, or $175 to join as a course auditor.

The course will explore the concept of ‘welcome’ and ‘inclusion’ in the Canadian church context through a liturgical and sacramental lens. Together we will explore issues of race, gender, orientation, and identity in contemporary Canadian society, and how the worship and sacramental life of churches might be called to respond.

Oliver is the Minister at Cowan Heights United Church in St. John’s, NL. He is currently a doctoral student at Emmanuel College. His academic work is in liturgical and eucharistic theology, studying the value of frequent eucharistic celebration within mainline Protestantism.

For more information, please contact Oliver at To register for the course or to get more information about Queen’s College, you can email or call (709) 753-0116.

